Event recap: The Economic Ripple of Learning Loss and its Impact on Chicago’s Future
The Education Lab shares key takeaways from our event with the City Club of Chicago in this announcement.

Last week, the University of Chicago Education Lab hosted an event with the City Club of Chicago where Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CEO Pedro Martinez and other leaders from education, business, and philanthropy gathered to discuss the once-a-century education crisis caused by COVID-19 that in some ways has proven even harder to cure than the once-a-century public health crisis.
Education Lab research shows that CPS is on the right track in overcoming learning loss – the city is a national leader in the deployment of high-dosage tutoring of the sort that the US Secretary of Education has called for – but the available federal support is not nearly enough to help every child whose learning was harmed by the pandemic, and so whose long-term life chances are imperiled.
Education Lab co-faculty director Jens Ludwig called on federal, state, and local government, as well as philanthropy and individual citizens, to do everything they can to support CPS’s initiatives to expand effective interventions to address unfinished learning.
To learn more about philanthropic opportunities to support high-dosage tutoring at CPS, please reach out to CPS’s foundation, the Children First Fund, and contact Rachel Orlowski, Director of Institutional Giving.
Moderated by Lorraine Forte of the Chicago Sun-Times, the discussion featured insights from Jens Ludwig of the University of Chicago Education Lab, CPS CEO Pedro Martinez, and Laura Thonn from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Learn more about the Education Lab’s Personalized Learning Initiative, a moonshot to overcome pandemic learning loss and bring high-dosage tutoring to CPS and students nationwide.