Mar 2024
Personalized Learning Initiative Research Brief
Learn more below about the Personalized Learning Initiative, which builds upon our decade of research on high dosage tutoring to scale to students nationwide.

2025 Economic Report of the President
This report cites results from the Education Lab’s study of a high-dosage tutoring model–what we call “Saga Technology”–which found that substituting some tutor time with educational technology can reduce costs by one-third and halve the number of tutors needed without compromising effectiveness.

Briefing for Chicago Public Schools Elected School Board Candidates
The Education Lab hosted a series of briefings for Chicago Public Schools’ elected school board candidates to provide practical tools and show how school board members can effectively use data to shape policy and improve student success.

How to Build It and Ensure They Will Come: Educators’ Advice on High-Dosage Tutoring Programs
Read a new brief from our partners at MDRC that highlights educators’ advice on implementing high-dosage tutoring programs.

NBER Working Paper: Can Technology Facilitate Scale? Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation of High Dosage Tutoring
This paper outlines results from the Education Lab’s study of a high-dosage tutoring model–what we call “Saga Technology”–which found that substituting some tutor time with educational technology can reduce costs by one-third and halve the number of tutors needed without compromising effectiveness.
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