Jan 2020
Rethinking the Benefits of Youth Employment Programs: The Heterogeneous Effects of Summer Jobs
This research paper presents the results of two randomized field experiments, which both involved offering supported summer job opportunities to different groups of young people in Chicago.
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A restorative approach to student discipline shows promise in reducing suspensions and arrests
Suspensions are a common form of official discipline implemented in American schools, but can alternative approaches prove effective in reducing harmful student behavior?

NAEP scores: It’s worse than you think but there is a solution
The latest NAEP scores are devastating—but as bad as they are, the real problem is even bigger. Test scores have been declining since 2013 and then got exponentially worse during the pandemic. What is going on?

Jens Ludwig: Parents of private school students like the Lab School are also worried about the future of education
Education Lab faculty co-director Jens Ludwig pens and op-ed about parents’ concerns with America’s public schools.