Anne Lombardi

Senior Research Manager


Personalized Learning
Headshot of ‘Ed Lab’ staff person Anne Lombardi

Anne Lombardi is a Senior Research Manager for the Education Lab. Anne primarily serves as a member of the project management team for the Personalized Learning Initiative, supporting research staff in the implementation and evaluation of large-scale tutoring efforts nationwide.

Prior to coming to the Lab, Anne worked in Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation in the Wisconsin State Government both for the Department of Health Services and the Legislative Audit Bureau. Anne additionally has experience providing direct services to individuals experiencing homelessness and health emergencies through AmeriCorps. Anne holds a Master of Public Policy and a Master of Social Work from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor’s in Spanish from Carleton College.

Anne’s Projects
Genesys Works

Genesys Works

The Education Lab is evaluating the impact of Genesys Works, an education and workforce development program that aims to improve high school achievement, college enrollment, college persistence, employment, and earnings.