Bryant Cong

Research Analyst


Restorative Practices
Headshot of ‘Ed Lab’ staff person Bryant Cong

Bryant Cong is a Research Analyst for the Education Lab and Crime Lab. He works on projects that apply causal inference and machine learning to understand student learning and well-being.

Before joining the Lab, Bryant worked as a research assistant on various projects in politics and linguistics. He holds a Master’s in Public Policy from the University of Chicago and a BA in International Relations from the University of Southern California.

Bryant’s Projects
Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices

In partnership with Chicago Public Schools, the Education Lab evaluated the effect of restorative practices implemented in high schools across the district.

Latest Updates

A restorative approach to student discipline shows promise in reducing suspensions and arrests
Feb 2025

A restorative approach to student discipline shows promise in reducing suspensions and arrests

Suspensions are a common form of official discipline implemented in American schools, but can alternative approaches prove effective in reducing harmful student behavior?