Ilana Walden
Founder and CEO, Forest Zafran Consulting LLC

Ilana Zafran Walden is a public sector and nonprofit executive leader with two decades of experience in developing and leading programs, initiatives, and strategies designed to increase educational equity and decrease violence. Her consulting practice focuses on three main areas: program design in the areas of youth development, violence prevention, and restorative justice; building systems and structures to help organizations and institutions function more effectively and scale their work; and facilitation of professional development, training, and collaborative work groups. Her clients include school districts and nonprofits throughout the country. Mrs. Walden is also a trusted advisor to organizational leaders, providing counsel and guidance on strategy and internal operations. Her career highlights include working with Chicago Public Schools to oversee the creation and implementation of student re-engagement policies and initiatives; serving as COO at an education nonprofit; and a decade of experience developing and implementing school and community based restorative justice programs.
Post-Secondary Champions
The Education Lab partnered with Chicago Public Schools to help implement a program embedding post-secondary advisors in schools to provide personalized supports for students’ post-secondary career and education outcomes.