Terence Chau is a Research Director for the Education Lab. At the Lab, Terence contributes to the scientific and intellectual direction of projects related to personalized learning.
Prior to joining the Lab, Terence received his Ph.D. in Public Policy from the University of Chicago, where he researched topics in the economics of innovation and record linkage. During this time, he was also an economics intern at Amazon Core AI where he owned a project measuring the causal effects of a nationwide workforce safety initiative.
Realizing the Promise of High Dosage Tutoring at Scale: Preliminary Evidence for the Field
This technical report outlines preliminary results from the Personalized Learning Initiative showing that high dosage tutoring can be scaled and can work–even when delivered in the aftermath of the pandemic and in diverse academic settings.
Personalized Learning Initiative
The Personalized Learning Initiative is a moonshot to overcome pandemic learning loss and aims to bring high-dosage tutoring to students nationwide.