Post-Secondary Pathways

Public education has never been more critical to ensuring economic mobility and future success.

A college degree is increasingly important for promoting economic mobility. While much of the post-secondary policy attention is focused on college attendance, there are significantly larger disparities in college completion rates. Students living in areas with high poverty rates disproportionately face challenges to success in college, including access to a high-quality high school education with a strong college-bound culture, guidance in navigating complex college admissions and financial aid processes, and a lack of additional supports necessary to help them persist. While 76% of CPS first-year students aspire to earn a bachelor’s degree, it is estimated that only 18% will do so within ten years of starting high school. 

The Education Lab is working in partnership with CPS and college success providers in Chicago to identify and co-design supports to support CPS students–especially Options students–to achieve their post-secondary aspirations in college and career.

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