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A “Toyota Way” revolution for education
This year, we’ve worked to address pandemic learning loss by shifting from a “one size fits all” model to a more personalized approach, supporting 30,000 students across 150+ schools.

Go ‘Inside the Education Lab’ and see how we’re unlocking potential for students nationwide
The Education Lab shares the latest from the Personalized Learning Initiative, including a feature in the University of Chicago’s “Inside the Lab” series, recent panel conversations at the HolonIQ “Back to School” Summit, and a presentation at the Council of Great City School Conference.

New research from our high-dosage tutoring work + Miami-Dade County Public Schools partnership
In our latest newsletter, the University of Chicago Education Lab highlights research from our high-dosage tutoring work and a new partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

Event recap: The Economic Ripple of Learning Loss and its Impact on Chicago’s Future
The Education Lab shares key takeaways from our event with the City Club of Chicago in this announcement.

The Economic Ripple of Learning Loss and its Impact on Chicago’s Future
Join us at the City Club of Chicago: The Economic Ripple of Learning Loss and its Impact on Chicago’s Future

2023 in review: Solutions to support student learning and success
The Education Lab shares an end-of-year update on its work to design, test, and scale programs to ensure all students have the opportunity for future success.

New in the Washington Post: Education Lab finds promising results from restorative practices in schools
New research from the Education Lab finds that restorative practices in schools can significantly reduce student arrests, increase student perceptions of belonging and school safety, and decrease arrests for violent offenses.

How schools can combat a surging mental health crisis among teenage girls + new website announcement
Education Lab data shows that Youth Guidance’s Working on Womanhood (WOW) is helping to mitigate the impacts of trauma on young women.